
BERNARDINO DE ARMELIADA The theme of priesthood as participation and actuality in Christ’s ‘unique essential priesthood’, in the life of the Church, has of late a matter of discussion. In this regard there are some interlaced questions like ‘ministerial priesthood’ traditionally reserved to the male, the priesthood of the People of God, female priesthood, and priesthood of the Virgin Mary. It is, in fact, women’s presumed openness to ministerial priesthood that has stirred up some of the most impas­ sioned discussions in the culture of equality of sexes. Strangely, viewed from the traditional angle, Mary becomes substantiation for both the yes and the no. Mary was not priest; therefore, women cannot be priests. Instead, Mary was priest; therefore, women too can be so. The final scope of the work is to study in St Lawrence of Brindisi’s work the significance of his vision of Mary as priest and her priestly action beside the cross, and see if any theological light can be drawn from it vis-à-vis the issues being debated today. In order to keep our conclusions in perspective, an analysis of the general status of the question is offered. Finally the study shows how Mary, by virtue of her exclusive maternal relationship with the Word of God, possesses a spiritual priesthood which distinguishes her from the spiritual priesthood common to all the faithful. This has its basis in the grace of divine filiation through Baptism, while Mary’s priesthood, besides the dignity of her being daughter of God through sanctifying grace, she possesses, according to the writings of St Lawrence, a greater and unique dignity by virtue of the grace of her divine maternity. She can be rightly invoked as “Priestly mother”. Thus Mary will illumine with her maternal light the sacrificial itinerary of our earthly pilgrimage. KEYWORDS: Priest, priesthood, priestly action, sacramental ministry, feminism, sanctifying grace, sacramental character, dignity, service. Queda atrás la vivencia en la Iglesia del ‘año sacerdotal’, que Benedicto XVI estableció. Se conmemorara desde el 19 de junio de 2009, solemnidad del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, hasta la misma fiesta en 2010, al cumplirse 150 años de la muerte de San Juan María Vianney, el 4 de agosto de 1859. Era el sacerdocio ministerial en la Iglesia y, especialmente la espiritualidad personal de los ordenados1, 1 Entre la abundancia de comentarios al respecto se halla nuestro artículo: “Entrega ”y “acogida ” (la espiritualidad del sacerdote), en Evangelio y vida 52 ( 2010 ) 123 - 126 . 482 NAT. GRACIA LIX 3/septiembre-diciembre, 2012, 481-514, ISSN: 0470-3790