
BERNARDINO DE ARMELLADA Without claiming to demonstrate rationally the dogmatic truth of the ori­ ginal sin, the experience shows a widespread sinfulness which is more that the sum of the individual sins. That is recognized by many sociologists and specially by the Popes Jean Paul II and Benedict XVI. That is an wickedness impossible to have appeared from spontaneous generation, but from a common, mysterious causality going beyond the personal responsibility, w ithout suppressing it. Te synthesis of that history of rebelliousness up against the faithful love of God is presented by Paul. As by one m a n ’s disobedience m any were made sinners, so by one m a n ’s obedience m any will be made righteous (Rm 5,19). The problems that can emerge from the original sin’s revealed doctrine, for instance, The Hope o f Salvation fo r Infants who die without Being Baptised, recently studied by the International Theological Commission (2007), can’t debilitate the certainty of the revealed doctrine about the original sin, as the same Commission recogni­ zes. On the other hand the sin’s essential willfulness implies the reality of the original sin as an evil not insuperable, not constituent of the nature of the man. The grace of God, always faithful, is the luminous counterpoint of the divine love, that has imprisoned all men in their own disobedience only to show mercy to all m ankind (.Km 11,32). The reason remains at the door of the supernatural mystery. But the real signs of the general evil find in the original sin’s doctrine a reply, anthropologically reliable in front a materialist science, that perverts the man converting him in a robot, where isn’t space for the liberty not for the sin. The essential liberty of the original sin indicates its source from a radically good nature, therefore it is a curable illness, whose awareness is a human presuppo­ sition for its cure, as says Bonaventure. KEY WORDS: Sin, original, sinfulness, universal, corporate personality, essential liberty, curable illness, interdisciplinary. La ‘Comisión Teológica Internacional’ ha dado a luz reciente­ mente un documento sobre una cuestión cuyo difícil tratamiento ha inquietado siempre la sensibilidad natural de los creyentes: La esperanza de salvación para los niños que mueren sin bautismo. El documento, elaborado desde el tiempo en que el Cardenal Ratzinger era Prefecto de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, recibía el visto bueno del mismo Benedicto XVI el 19 de abril de 20071. 1 Internet, La Curia Romana, Comisión Teológica Internacional, La espe­ ranza de la salvación para los niños que mueren sin Bautismo (19 abril 2007). 670 NAT. GRACIA LVIII 3/septiembre-diciembre, 2011, 669-694, ISSN: 0470-3790