QUERER DESDE LA LIBERTAD EN DUNS SCOTO Eli Diamond, desde una posición crítica, nos presenta su lectura del pensamiento de este movimiento, en especial de C. Pickstock: “Pickstock’s reading of Plato plays a crucial role in this critical rethinking of thepast. According to Pickstock, Plato's thought, formu lated as theological response to the scientific and sophistic nihilism of his day, offers an example of pre-Christian liturgical theory and practice, anticipating, if only incompletely (AWp. 189) the liturgical unity of divinity and humanity/nature through his quest to show how the Good is intrinsicallypresent in all reality as its origin and end. Her interpretation of the Platonic philosophy is intended to serve to anti modern philosophicalprogramme: the subordination of thephilosophy and reason to the theology, myth and ritual, and the deconstruction of the modern subject’'72. A esta lectura se le suma la naturalización de la gracia que -com o señala Maarten Wisse, profesor de la Catholic University o f Leuven- resuelve como antídoto contra el nihilismo contemporá neo: “Hence, it is vital to Radical Orthodoxy’s critique of nihilism to conceive of reality as grace, as permeated by Christ from the very beginning. Grace , in this way, is the most natural way of looking at the world and the way we are” 7i. Desde aquí se puede leer su revisión de la filosofía de Duns Escoto7', en particular su crítica a la analogía y podemos entender nis. Beiträge zur Gotteslehre. Festschriftfur EberhardJungei zum 70. Geburtstag, Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck, 2004, 347-374. 72 E. D IAMOND , Catbenne Pickstock, Plato ancl the Unity ofDivinity Huma nity: Liturgical or Philosophical ?, en W. J. HANKEY y D. HEDLEY (eds.), Decons tructing Radical Orthodoxy: Postmodern Theology, Rhetoric and Truth, Aldershot - Burlington, Ashgate, 2005, 1 (el capítulo: 1-17). El trabajo señalado en la cita entre paréntesis es el ya citado C. Pickstock, After Writing... 73 M. WISSE, Was Augustine a Barthian? Radical Orthodoxy's Reading of De Trinitate, en /l/s Disputando 7 (2007). Descargado en http://www.arsdisputand¡. org/publish/articles/000274/article.pdf (6 de 14) [18/01/2009 17:23:30]. 74 La revista Modem Theology dedicó un número a la interpretación que hace la Radical Orthodoxy del maestro franciscano, sobre todo en torno a Cathe rine Pickstock enJohn Duns Scotus andModem Theology , en Modem Theology 21 NAT. GRACIA LVI 1/enero-abril, 2009. 105-158, ISSN: 0470-3790 139
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