
L a t o l e r a n c i a e n e l p e n s a m ie n t o d e . 263 2. Biografía de Roger Williams La vida de R. Williams ha sido ampliamente ilustrada por sus biógrafos e historiadores, que han captado la riqueza de este tiempo de crisis y la complejidad de su pensamiento. Nuestra tarea, en este sentido, se reduce a ordenar unos datos ya comprobados y a destacar dentro de ellos aquellos acontecimientos que creemos significativos para la interpretación de su pensamiento en el tema de la libertad religiosa. Nuestra exposición de su biografía descansa, por tanto, en las investigaciones de otros autores, a quienes manifestamos sincera­ mente nuestro agradecimiento 14. 14. D. P. K n ow les, Memoir of Roger Williams, Boston 1938; E. B. Under­ h i l l , A Biographical Introduction, en The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution for cause of conscience discussed: and Mr. Cotton's Letter examined and answered. By Roger Williams, edited for the Hanserd Knollys Society, London 1848, V- XXXVI; R. E lto n , Life of Roger Williams, Providence 1853; R. A. G uild, A Biographical Introduction to the Writings of Roger Williams, en The Com­ plete Writings of Roger Williams, I, New York 1963, 3-60; V. L. P arrington, The Colonial Mind 1620-1800, New York 1927, 62-76; W. G ammell, Life of Roger Williams, en The Library of American Biography, conducted by J. Sparks, Boston 1844, vol. IV, 1-208; H. Adams, An Abridgement of the History of New England, Boston 1805, 34-44; W. C ath cart, The Baptist Encyclopaedia, rev. ed., Philadelphia 1883, 1250-4; J. A. D oyle, English Colonies in America, I, New York 1889, 113-30; E. E g g le sto n , The Beginners of a Nation, New York 1900, 266-314; G. S. K im b all, Providence in Colonial Times, Boston and New York 1912, 3-10; G. B a n cro ft, History of the United States of America, from the discovery of the Continent, I, New York 1883, 249-56; I. Backus, A History of New England with particular Reference to the Denomination of Christians called Baptists, 2 vols., Newton (Mass.), 1871; D. S. S tra u s, Roger Williams: The Pioneer of Religious Liberty, New Kork 1894; E. J. C arpen ter, Roger Williams: A Study of the Life, Times and Character of a Political Pioneer, New York 1909; E. E asto n , Roger Williams: Prophet and Pioneer, Boston 1930; J. E. E rn st, Roger Williams: New England Firebrand, New York 1932; S. H. Brockunier, The Irrepressible Democrat: Roger Williams, New York 1940; J. D os P a sso s, Roger Williams and the Planting of the Commonwealth in Ame­ rica, en The Ground We Stand On, New York 1941; O. E. W inslow , Master Roger Williajns. A Biography, New York 1957; P. M ille r , Roger Williams. His Contribution to the American Tradition, New York 1953; C. Covey, The Gentle Radical. A Biography of Roger Williams, New York and London 1966; I. B. Richman, Rhode Island. A Study in Separatism, Boston and New York 1905, 13-61; C. Borgeaud, The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England, New York 1894, 155-68; W. H. Faunce, Roger Williams and his Doctrine of Soul Liberty, en Pioneers of Religious Liberty in America, Boston 1903, 49-82; H. Chupack, Roger Williams, New York 1969, 19-39; J. G a r r e tt, Roger Wi­ lliams. Witness Beyond Christendom 1603-1683, London 1970.