
376 J u a n J o s é H. A l o n s o San Hilario San Hilario escribe a Auxencio afirmando: «The Christian Church doth not pesecute, but is persecuted. And lamen­ table it is to see the great folly of these times, and to sigh at the foo­ lish opinion of this world, in that men thinke by humane aide to helpe God, and with worldy pompe and power to undertake to defend the Christian Church. I aske you Bishops, what helpe used the Apostles in the publishing of the Gospel? with the aid of what power did they Christ, and converted the Heathen from their idolatry to God? When they were in prisons, and lay in chaines, did they praise and give than- kes to God for any dignities, graces, and favours received from the Court? Or do you thinke that Paul went about with Regall Mandates, or Kingly authority, to gather and establish the Church of Christ? sought he pro­ tection from Nero, Vespasian? The Apostles wrought with their bands for their owne maintenance, tra­ vailing by land and water from Towne to Citie, to preach Christ: yea the more they were forbidden, the more they taught and preached Christ. But now alas, humane helpe must assist and protect the Faith, and give the same countenance to and by vaine and worldly honours. Doe men seek to defend the Church of Christ? as if hee by his power were una­ ble to performe it» 226. J . Cotton se adhiere al sentir de San Hilario en el sentido de que la auténtica Iglesia de Cristo en lugar de perseguir es perseguida, pero comenta que la excomunión de un hereje no es persecución, es decir, no es castigo infligido a un inocente sino a una persona culpa­ ble, cuya culpa dimana de su persistencia en el error del que ha sido previamente convencido. E sta intervención de Cotton comentando la cita de Hilario termina con la paciencia de Williams. En realidad, Cotton se ha desviado to­ talmente del tema en cuestión. Cotton probaría que las Iglesias no serían falsas por el hecho de no ejercer la persecución puesto que, en su opinión, la excomunión no es persecución; pero la cuestión con­ siste en saber si no es una Iglesia falsa la que persigue a otras Iglesias o a sus miembros. La Iglesia cristiana, afirma categóricamente Wi­ lliams, no persigue a nadie. 226. S. Hilarii Opera, Lib. I, Contra Arlanos ve\ Auxentium, cap. 3, 4, p. 465-6, Venetiis 1749. Tomado de The Bloudy Tenent of Persecution, 34.