
CONVENTOS CAPUCHINOS EXISTENTES EN ESPAÑA… 1069 1821 1822 1823 ANDALUCÍA Vélez - Málaga Casares Jaén Castillo de Locubín 7/20 Córdoba Écija Sanlúcar Barrameda NAVARRA Tudela Vera Pamplona 4/11 Tafalla Núm. total 38 35 14 3-7 52-56/116 J OSÉ Á NGEL E CHEVERRÍA , OFMCap Facultad de Teología de Vitoria ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is the publication of the list of convents which made up the capuchin territory at the time of the exclaustration (1835). The author gives us the date of each foundation, its proper name and the province to which it belonged. Obviously, each of the references has been checked against both printed and unpublished sources, hence the value of this study. With this publication, and the studies and maps of Enrique Chacón, OFM, on the various branches of the Franciscan family in the Iberian Peninsula, it will be possible to think now of the publication of an atlas of the Franciscan organization of the Peninsula from the beginning of the Order until the present day. 38 Contamos también el convento de Palma de Mallorca que no pertenecía a ninguna provincia, sino que dependía directamente del Ministro General.