
los «menores» en la Iglesia. ¿Iglesia «para» los menores (asistencial) o Iglesia «de» menores (esencial)? La minoridad debería ser uno de los rasgos definitivos de su perfil, si quiere ser servidora y seguidora del «Dios menor»; de lo contrario no logrará superar una contradicción existencial -la de pre- tender servir a dos señores- (cf. Mt 6,24) y no dejará de dar la sen- sación de estar situada permanentemente en una calculada ambigüedad. Y esto, necesariamente, obligará a hacer «desplaza- mientos» significativos hacia esa «periferia» que Jesús redefinió como el centro de la vida y de las opciones de Dios. D OMINGO M ONTERO , OFMCap Instituto Teológico San Esteban, Salamanca ABSTRACT The term and concept of “minority” is an unusual one and it has been little developed, even today, in theological reflection; difficult yet fundamental because it is the frame of reference within which God chose to reveal himself in history. Taking the God of minority, as revealed in his options for the “poor of Yahweh” in the Old Testament, the author concentrates on the presentation of “the Jesus of minorities, who reveals the God of minorities”, through his life, his ministry – words and actions – and his death. By way of synthesis, nine concrete stipulations are offered to try to outline the profile of “minority” made incarnate and revealed in Jesus: the proclamation of alternative values, reality assumed and proposed, partisan and belligerent, motivated by the Kingdom, a bond with the least favoured ways of life, experience and faith witness, proclamation and denunciation, a strategy of evangelisation and the enrichment of life. This reflection ends with a brief call to pay attention to the “face of minority today” or its actual sociological visualisation. 910 DOMINGO MONTERO