
dicha canción que le conviene tener para en este camino buscar a su Amado» 20 . A BILIO E NRÍQUEZ , OFMCap Madrid ABSTRACT This article begins by explaining the origin of the Canticle which is the object of this study. The three principle rhetorical figures used by the author are studied: metaphor, allegory and symbol. Since the first is the most frequently used and forms part of the other two, more time is spent on it. The author, in support of his own view, quotes the two most authoritative experts. Finally, in line with the literary baggage demanded by this type of study, each verse of the introduction of the Canticle is commented and evaluated. ELEMENTOS FIGURATIVO-LITERARIOS EN EL CÁNTICO ESPIRITUAL… 603 20 Cf. Ib ., 930-932.