
Example: «...and that hath been the way God hath dealt with us» (4 July 1653). Things to do to pay one’s moral debts 1. First of all the army has to accept god’s work : As part of the deal the Army undertakes a work, a business, a cause. Example : «To see the work of God to prosper in our hands, ...till we have finished that work that he has for us to do» (23 March 1648). 2. The army assume they are god’s instruments, god uses the army to do the work. Example : «God hath used us as instruments». Example : «God did do the work with us». What sort of work have Cromwell and the Army been called to? The Army has a duty, that is to save the nation by ruling the nation, So that, ruling the nation is God’s enterprise , where god is the employer , Cromwell and the army are the workers , and ruling the nation is the work , the enemies has been fired . Example : «that nothing would save the nation but the continuance of that Parliament» (4 July 1653). Example : «it is a great business to settle the government of that nation upon fit terms, such as will bear that work through» (4 Sept. 1654). Example: «... to put men into that great employment; and to approve men for it, who are men who have received hath taken care, we hope, for the expulsion of all those who may be judged anyway unfit for this work, who are scandalous...» (4 Sept 1654). 3. Suffering gives more moral credit But the work is not an easy one, it is hard, it is suffering, in that way the Army will get more moral credit, as the work is a heavy burden that Cromwell’s men carry upon their shoulders, Example: «You have upon your shoulders the interest of all the Christian people in the world». Example: «the work being so weighty, I did think that it would require many things». 556 ARACELI BALLESTEROS GARCÍA