
Two principles of moral actions: —Moral action is giving something of positive value; immoral action is giving something of negative value. — There is a moral imperative to pay one’s moral debts; the failure to pay one’s moral debts is immoral. 2.1. M ORAL ACCOUNTING METAPHOR 2.1.1. God did something good for the Army Did God do something good for Cromwell’s Army? First of all, god has chosen them , God chooses human beings when he calls them , Cromwell and the army are prophets , God not only is the lord , the providence , a saviour or an owner , someone who has blessed the Army, has given dispensations, has brought the salvation but turns to be a member of the army . So that, God is a main agent in the Army’s actions, God is a doer, a giver and the Army takes benefit from those actions. Example: «God hath blessed the Army for the sake of any one man, nor has his presence been with it upon any such grounds but that presence and blessing that God had afforded this Army...» (23 March, 1648). Example: «it pleased the Lord to keep this nation in exercise both at sea and land...until Lord had finished all that trouble upon the matter by the marvellous salvation brought at Worcester» (4 July 1653). Example: «And God hath in the military way...he hath acted with them and for them...» (4 July 1653). 2.1.2. Now Cromwell and the Army are in debt After all those good actions Cromwell and the Army are in debt. What can the Army do to pay off the debt? Now, God is a dealer , he makes a deal with the Army. If God is with them and if he helps the Army, then they have to do something good for God in order to get moral credit, CROMWELL AND THE ARMY ARE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL 555