
Example : «God hath ordained to be instrumental for their good» (23 March 1648). Example: «He will act with them in the civil power an authority» (4 July 1653). 1.3. CENTRE-PERIPHERY SCHEMA How has Cromwell organised his political, social and religious reality? The CENTRE-PERIPHERY schema has some interesting superimposed schemata. In our metaphorical conceptualisation we will see one of those, the inner-outer orientation. Another is the self- other schema. Where there is a deictic centre (the self, I and we ), that is ‘here’ and a deictic periphery (the other, they ), ‘ there ’ (the enemies).; through the vocabulary and the deictic elements a clear distinction can be drawn between us and them . This is related to the ‘ideological square’ proposed by Van Dijk 7 where the speaker looks for some discursive strategies to emphasise information that is positive about us, at the same time that he emphasises information that is negative about them. In that way he creates a positive self- presentation, towards others negative presentation. T ABLE 1 Us Freeness, clearness, spirit, blessing, good, glory, honest, godly, mercy, poor, miracle, honest, heaven, love. them Destruction, enraged, hateful spirit, angry, anger, ruin, blindness, profane, malice, wrath, apostate, carnal, cast. Example : «There is a very angry, hateful spirit there against this Army...» (23 March 1648). Example : «it is fit for godly, and honest, and religious men to propose to themselves» (23 March 1648) 552 ARACELI BALLESTEROS GARCÍA 7 Cf. T. A. V AN D IJK , Ideology: a Multidisciplinary Approach (London 1998).