
Example : «Let us go, if God go. If that we be still in our calling, prosecuting that cause that hitherto we have been engaged in and if opposing those enemies be a part of that cause…». Example: «... to put men into that great employment; and to approve men for it, who are men who have received hath taken care, we hope, for the expulsion of all those who may be judged anyway unfit for this work, who are scandalous...» (4 Sept 1654). Example: «...the several forms of godlines in this nation» (4 July 1653). Example: «they have made an union with those apostate forces...and all that party are in very strong combination against you» (23 March 1648). 1.2. T HE LINK SCHEMA The entities inside the container are linked. According to Lakoff the structure of this schema consists of two entities and a connector 6 . This schema is related to the metaphor: an instrument is a companion . Afterwards we will see the metaphor, cromwell’s men are god’s instruments . The preposition with , indicates accompaniment, that preposition can also imply a connection between entities. God is with the Army . CROMWELL AND THE ARMY ARE THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL 551 6 G. L AKOFF , Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. What Categories Reveal about the Mind (Chicago 1987) 274. God Army Cromwell enemies