
projected into Cromwell’s political reality; how he conceptualised himself and his government as a father , a shepherd , a servant , an employee , a prophet , and, lastly as the people from Israel . The first part deals with the analysis of the image-schematic structures, the second part focuses on the conceptual metaphors. 1. POWERFUL RELATIONSHIPS UNDERSTOOD THROUGH IMAGE-SCHEMATIC STRUCTURES Johnson explains that image-schematic structures are those which organise our mental representations at a more general and abstract level than that at which we form particular mental images 5 . Metaphor operates also at the level of projections and elaborations of image schemata. Now we want to build up briefly a whole net of superimpositions, that is, the overlap among different image- schemata: the foundation for this superimposition will be the container schema, in relation to it we will explain these schemata: link schema, centre-periphery, inner -outer and the verticality SCHEMA. We will see how social and powerful relationships are reflected in the discourse process in these schemata. Looking at the linguistic means, specially at prepositions, nouns, adjectives will help us to reach that internal and abstract level. We will leave the examples from the speeches for the section dealing with metaphorical conceptualisation. 1.1. T HE CONTAINER SCHEMA The nation or god’s business is a container; the army is in the cause, in the work, the containment involves protection from external forces, the enemies are those forces, they are away, out of the container.the borders of the container are godliness. 550 ARACELI BALLESTEROS GARCÍA 5 Cf. M. J OHNSON , The Body in the Mind (Chicago 1987) 23.