
Source domain Target domain God God Moses Cromwell and the Army The people of Israel The Nation The Egyptians Charles I and the king’s men. Cromwell, the Army and the nation are the children of Israel, God has chosen his prophets, Cromwell and his men. God makes a covenant with them, he deals with them. If they follow God’s commandments God will give them a new land, the prophets must do a hard work, they have to bring out the nation, the people of Israel, from the burdens of the king, of the Egyptians. God will protect and help his children through all the hardships, he will be with them and against the Egyptians. Example: «the only parallel of God’s dealing with us that I know in the world, which was largely and wisely held forth to you this day, -Israel’s bringing out of Egypt through a wilderness, by many signs and wonders towards a place of rest» (4 Sept. 1654). 3. CONCLUSION Through all these schemata and metaphors we have observed a common aim, to wit; the elaboration of a visible division between social groups and entities, Cromwell in these speeches draws a clear line between the Parliament and the enemies, a positive lexis is used to make reference to us, a negative lexis is used for the enemies. Furthermore, the religious idea of heaven and hell is perfectly well understood along all the speeches. we are saints, we are up, you are evils, you are down . A RACELI B ALLESTEROS G ARCÍA Universidad Complutense 560 ARACELI BALLESTEROS GARCÍA