
ABSTRACT In the thought of María Zambrano, man is defined as essentially “historical”. The purpose of this article is to understand the “glorious dawn” of human history which begins with Christianity, and its Semitic antecedents, which fashions man in the image of his Creator God, a man who creates his world once he is expelled from paradise. From this moment on man, whose ultimate dimension is that of person, is marked by the passion of being which leads him to self fufilment, although historical awareness (the ability and exercise of freedom) is an achievement of modem times. Mysteriously, the human being has an inner conflict: in his living out of history, he impedes his own progress by doing everything possible to live in an inhuman way. He can only humanize history when he lives it freely and ethically. This history will end in a humanized society with the establishing of democracy through the participation of all men as human persons. LA HISTORIA EN MARÍA ZAMBRANO 517