
JO os A. Christ will juige us immediat-ly af- ter our death, and on the last day, Q. What is hell? ; A. Heltisa state to which the wicked are condemned, . and in which -they, are. - deprived of the sight of ‘God for all eternity and are in dreadful torments. ~Q. What is Purgatory i in Purgatory is the state to which - those suffer for a time who die guilty of _ venial ‘sits, or without having Satisfied for A ‘the punishment ‘Sue. to.” their sins. a Qe What is Heaven? | ae V Heaven is the state of” ‘everlasting life in which we see God face to face, are made like into Him in glory, and enjoy “id s eternal Pere ee Pes apie" ; a Ba ok +. Jeremy J. Harty, , inti Archbishop of Manila. : i Nae