
eet Q. Which are the effects of the Sacra- ment of Extreme Unction? A. The effects of Extreme Unction are; 1st, ‘To comfort in the pains of sickness and to strengthen us against temptations; 2d, To' remit venial sins and to cleanse our souls from the remains of sin; 3d, To re- store us to health, when God ‘sees fit. Q. What is the Sacrament of Holy Or- gers? A. Holy Orders is a Sacrament by which bishops, priests, and other minis- ters of the Church ar2 ordained and re- ceive the power and grace to perform their sacred duties. LESSON TWENTY-SECOND. On Matrimony. Q. What is the Sacrament of Matri- ; mony? és A, . The Sacrament of Mbascidiony is the Sacrament which unites a Christian’ man — and woman in lawful marriage.