
= 24 — A. Christ suffered and died for our sins. Q. On what day did Christ .rise from the dead? S A, Christ rose from the dead,\ glorious -and immortal, on Easter Sunday, the third _ day after His death, : Q. After Christ had remained forty days om earth’ whither did he go? ; A. After forty days Christ ascended in- to heaven, and the day on wyeh he ascen- ded into heaven is called Ascension day. ' a F LESSON EIGHTH. ’ On the Holy Ghost and His descent upon — the Apostles, es Q. * ‘Who is the Holy Ghost? ye Fo et A. The Holy Ghost is the third Per- — son of the Blessed Trinity. a -. Q. Who sent the Holy. Ghost spon the ba Apostles? Si a 4 ) A. Our Lord Jest Dhaist. sent th Ho * area n 1 the[ae ae