— == Pueñgen Yuus, pueñgen Jesus. —1 añghet Yuus Mapos— hasañgane i pastot siha —na mafañago ¡ Raiñiha—Kristo Mesías yan Yuus. — -—— Om — — 20. SILENT NIGHT, sacred night — Bethlehem sleeps, yet what light —floats around the holy pair. —Songs of angels fill the air;—strains of heavenly peace. Silent night, sacred night. —Shepherds first see the light —hear the Alleluias ring—which the angels choirs sing: — Christ the Savior has come. Silent night, sacred night. —Son of God, o what light — radiates from the manger-bed —over the realms with darkness spread — Thou in Bethlehem born. 21. 1 AÑGHELES mañgakanta yan suabe na kon- pas: Gloria as Yuus gi lañget yan para i tactao pas. Gloria in excelsis Deo. Ekuñgog i kantanñiñiha na gaege gi un establo gi liyan giya Belen i Niño na mafañago. O taotao Israel siha basta manañges sa esta mato ¡ Mesías pago na haane. Guse ya taadora i Raii manrai, tatuna yan taonra i Lahen Yuus magahet. Fandaña yan i manañgheles yan suabe na konpas: Gloria, o Yuus gi lañget; nae ham, Señot, nu i pas ——— AE ASKÁ
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