
With the Doctor. Does Dr. B. live here? Yes, but he is not at home. When will he be at home? He will be at home immediately. Doctor, I have taken cold. I have a dreadful cough. I took something to produce perspiration but it did no good. Let me feel your pulse. I feel weak and exhausted. I hope that you will soon be better. 1 feel very much strengthened after my bath. My bath has weakened me. May I expose myself to the evening air? No, you must go to bed early. Do you think that I shall soon recover my strength? Yes, I believe you will as soon as the air becomes milder. Give me your candid opinion. My stomach has been disordered for some time past. Let me see your tongue. I do not sleep well at night. In the evening I am feverish. I Malango., Si Dr. B. sumasaga guine? Hufigga; lao taigue gi gima. Ngaean nae umamaila ? Umamaila ti abmam. Majniojig yo. Hafehmane yo i lelo. Ginen chumocho yo amot masahalom; lao ti hanamasahalom yo. Napacha yo ni putsomo. . Husoda na ti gos meton yan mahgef. Ilegko na unlamagojig ti abmam. Hanagos mauleg yo anae umomag. Hanalddebit yo i bajio. Sifa yo uméguaifon an pupueiige? Ahe; maulegiia na unason taftaf. Hinasomo na humagofg talo guse? 4 Huo nae; ilegko na sifia unhuyofg yagin ulamapao i majiglo. Safigane yo manana hafa hinasosomo. Guaha siha na haane na pupute lokue i tuyanho. Nalie yo ni hulamo. Ti gefmaigo yo an pueiige. Gin pupuefige, kalentutura yo dididi.