
The parents the husband the wife father mother nurse child; children son; his ( her) son daughter; their daughter grandfather grandmother grandson granddaughter brother, sister twins the eldest brother the relations brother-in-law sister-in-law uncle aunt nephew; niece cousin bridegroom, bride wedding marriage Family. I Familia. i mafaena ji asaguan lahe i asaguan palaoan tata nana mama patgon; famaguon lahe; lahifia haga; haganiiha nuno; guelo; tatan tata pat nana nuno; guela; nanan tata pat nana patgon toyufig; toyuiig; nieto toyuiig; patgon toyufig; nieta chelo difiga; gihen i amko na chelo i man achaguasguas; i man parientes. kufiado; chelon i asagua kufiada; chelon i asagua tio; chelon tata; chelon nana tia; chelon tata; chelon nana sobrino; sobrina primo; prima nobio ; nobia umdkamo umdsagua