
Se eaeoe ~ evga oS 1 a ne ~~ = Rn oenpema aan mpegs | ea es a reer ee ae io 0 I do not wish the bath very warm. I will call you when I wish to leave the bath. I wish to dry myself. Let me know when I have been ten minutes in the bath. I wish to take a boiling bath. I think you can not suffer it. I wish the bath neither warm nor cold. Clean the bath well. Is there a swimming bath in this Establishment? Yes, there is one. You can dive. Where is the bath-keeper? He is now preparing the cold bath. Call me when I have in the bath for awhile. I wish to bathe in sea-water. I intend to take nine baths. I will come every Sunday to bathe myself. The bath makes me good. Bathe this dog. I will not, because it makes him ill. Do you wish to take medicinal baths? I have to speak to the Doctor about it. If you wish you can go to Piti. Where is that watering place? It is near Tepufigan, a suburb of Agaiia. Ti yaho na usen maipe i bajfio. Boi-huagafig hao yagin huhuyojig. Malago yo umafglo. Natutufigo yo yagin malofan dies minutos gi bafio. Malago yo umomag gi loloklok na hanom. Pineloko na ti sifia unsufigon. Malago yo na mufiga maipe pat manengheig 7 Nagef-gasgas i bafio. | fanomakan. Guaha bafion numaiigo guine na Fanomakan? Hujfiggan, guaha. Sifia hao lumiof. Majigge i pumupulan i bano? Gaige hanahahane i manefigheng na bajio. Aagajig yo yan ldabmam yo gi halom i baiio. Malago yo umoomag gi hanom tase. Huhasusuye na huoomag nuebe biahe. Boi-humamaila kada damefiggo ya huoomag,. Hanamamauleg yo i umomag. Naomag ini na galago. Muiiga ho, sa ninamalalafigo. Malago hao umomag ni hanom amot? Maulegiia na hufaisen i mediko nu enao. Yagin malago hao, sifia hao malag Piti. Maijiggi ayo na bobo? Hihot Tepufigan, na sofigsofig Hagatiia.