
~~. The Bath. Where are you going? I am going to take a bath. Where are the best baths? At the sea-shore. Are they near here? They are not far from here. Where are they? Near the Custom-House. What is the price of each bath? One dollar each. Do they give towels? Yes; you can find three towels. A large one for the body; a smaller one for the face; and another for the feet. What perquisite must I give to the servant? Do not think of that, for they will not receive anything. Are all the bath occupied? Yes; you mus wait awhile. I wish the bath to be cold. Hot water. Lukewarm water. Boiling water. I want a bathing dress. Give me also a cake of soap. I Fanomakan: i bano. Malag mano hao? ( Para mano hao?) Boi-huoomag. Majfigge i mauleg na fanomakan? I oriyan tase. Hihot yuhe guine? To gef chago guine. Manggi siha? Hihot gi Aduana. Hafa apasta yagin man oomag hit? Un peso kada taotao. Man man nanae saosao kanai? = Hufiggan; unsoda guihe tres na tuaya. Saosao tataotao, i anako; i lddikiki, saosao i ‘ mata; ya i mina tres, saosao adejig. Hafa dagiho nu i tentagd? Ti guaelaye unhaso enao; sa taya malagojiha uhachahlao. Manbula siha i fanomakan? Hufiggan; mauleg na unfanafiggaiiaihon. Malago yo na umanejighefig i fanomakan. Maipe na hanom, Maipefaihon na hanom. Loloklog na hanom. Malago yo magagon umomag. Nae yo lokue enpe habon.