
Spam Yh SK ISTE Pk FRR 5 aE OR, ae a Pie SES AEE ca geeieancie eee Sale aa ene ew Have you done your exercise? Not yet. Go to the black-board. I cannot walk. Why? Stand and obey me. Write your exercise. There is no room. Rub that out. Go and get some chalk. Is it right ? No; you have made many mistakes. It is right. It is wrong. All right. Peter will take you down. John will teach you. May I go on? No; that will do. Look over your lesson again. The class is over. Not yet. There is something to translate into English. Translate word by word. It makes no sense at all. Read your piece. May I go home? You may. == 62 a= Unchogue i ehersisiomo? Ti huchochogue. Hanao falag i pisarra. ti siia yo mamokat. Sa hafa? Tohge ya unosge yo. Tuge i ehersisiomo. Taya mano. Funas enao. hanao fafiule yeso. hudanche? ahe; megai siha lachimo. dinanche. lache. gof dinanche; gosmauleg. Si Pedro unninatunog. Si Juan unfinanague. Sifia husige mona? Mujiga; nahofig hao nu enao. Talugua umatan i lessionmo. Magpo i eskuela. ti mamagpo. Guaha dididi makekepolo gi fino engles. Dalalake-ha i finiho siha. Sen taya kumekeilegiia. Taitai i tinigemo. Sifia yo malag iya hame? Sifia.