
= a a aN A fre er Ty a we a . 3 ; i te tt it ; ‘ 4 i Fi t ra if Py ify a Has the shoemaker brought my shoes? He has not yet. Bring me my slippers. Bring me my shoes. Did the tailor bring my clothes? He did. Where are they? I put them into the case. Where is my hat? It is on the chair. Bring my stick. Take.those trousers. Put this necklace into the Open the door of my room. Open the blinds of the parlor. Lock the trunk. Wind up the clock. Sweep the parlor. Dust the table. Make the bed. Spread the straw-bed Scour the tube. Cut off the wick. Go to the market and buy some meal. Accompany me. Help me to dress myself. Take off my shoes. = I sapatero hachule magi i sapatosso? Ti hachuchule. Nae yo ni chankletasso. Chulie yo magi ni sapatosso. I manlalagse hachule i magaguho? Hachule-ha. Majiggi? Hupolo siha gi halom i kaohao. Maiiggi i tihofigho? Gaige gi hilo i fatachufigan. Nae yo ni bastonho. Chule ayo na katsunes. Polo gi kaohao ini na korbata. Baba i pettan i kuattoko. Baba i bintana siha gi sala. Kandalo i kaohao. Kuerdase i relos. Bale i sala. Safe i lamasa. Famauleg i asonho. huto i guafag saosao i tubo. utut i mecha. falag i plasa ya famahan nefigkano. Dalalag yo. Osgaihon yo. naminagago yo. nahanague yo ni sapatosso.