
ae Pes With the Servants. Somebody knocks. Go and see who it is. Go and open the door. Who is it? It is I. Come in. Waiter, who rings? It is Mr. N. Tell him to come in. Tell him to sit down. A gentleman wants to see you. Tell him to come up. Where is he? He will be back in an hour. Have you asked him for his card? Has the washerwoman brought my linen? Yes; I saw the wash-list and there is nothing wanting. Have you paid her bill? No, for I have no money. Pay her to-morrow. I will do it. Take this dirty linen and send it to her. I Tentago Siha. Guaha manyayaho. Hanao ya unlie kao haye? Hanao ya unbaba i petta, Haye gue? Guaho. Halom nae. Lahe, haye muna bebinbin? Guiya si Mr. N. Safigane gue na uhalom. Safigane gue nu ufatachofig. Guaha lahe ni i malago lumie hao. Safigane gue na ukahulo. Majfiggi gue? Utalo-hon un ora-ha. Ti ungagao gue ni tarhetafa? I labandera hachule ada i magaguho? Hufiggan; hulie ya hutufofig ya taya taigue. Unapase i kuentafia? Ahe; sa taya salapeho. Apase gue agupa. Hufiggan; huapase gue. Hoka i edda na magaguho ya unchulie gue guato. Sanne