
ENGLISH-CHAMORRO DIALOGUES. Pronunciation. The consonants are pronounced as in English: b, d, f, h, k, 1, m, p, r, s and t. The consonant g is always hard as in get, gib. The ii, as mi in the word onion; and ng as ng in the middle of the word ringing. The sound of ce, ci, ge, gi, 2, x, w, qu do not exist in Chamorro language. We see them in the Spanish books, but the tendency is:to drop them. The vowels are five: a, e, i, 0. u. A always as in arm; e always as in obey; i always as in police; o always as in old; u always asin put. The short a, e, i, 0, u have the same quality of sound as the unmarked letters; but are pronounced with a very short explosive utterance, the breath being suddenly stopped. Of these vowels, e-i and o-u are sometimes confused.