
the chin the neck the nape of the neck shoulders the backbone bone the articulations belly lap; to lap the back breast to suck; to give suck an arm; ahand arm-pit elbow the right hand the left hand the palm finger the thumb the forefinger the heart finger the ring finger the little finger to touch a leg foot ‘iin Silas Achae agaga tonigho; i tefigho apaga i telafig tatalo tolafig; i telaig koyuntura; i geden tolafig tuyan; i tiyan sade ’ tatalo suso ; i siso sumuso; nasuso kanai afafa tomon kanai; kodo i agapa na kanai i akague na kanai hataf, hataf kanai; palma kalolot ddmagas tatancho titifofig kalolot aniyo kalafigke pacha; ete; yuma; yeme adenig adenig