
INTRODUCTION. E Remarkable words oí His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons, Archbishop of Baltimore, on the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is persistently misrepresented by the most powerful vehicles of information. She is attacked in romances of the stamp of Maria Monk ; in pictorials, in histories, so-called, like those of Peter Parley. In a large portion of the press, and pamphlets, and especially in the pulpit, which should be consecrated to truth and charity, , she is the victim of the foulest slanders. Upon her fair and heavenly brow her enemies put a hideous mask, and in that guise they exhibit her to the insults and mockery of the public ; just as Jesus, her Spouse, was treated when, clothed with a scarlet cloak and crowned with thorns, He was mocked by a thoughtless rabble. Ask not the enemies of the Catholic Church what she is, for they are blinded by passion; ask not her ungrateful, renegade children, for you never heard a son speaking well of the mother whom he had abandoned and despised. Stuidy her history in the pages of truth. Examine her creed. Read her authorized catechisms and doctrinal books. Were a tithe of the accusations which are brought against the Catholic Church true, 1 would not be attached to her min- istry, nor even to her communion, for-a single day. I know these charges to be false. The longer I know her, the more I admire and venerate her. Every day she develops before me new spiritual charms. (Quoted from "THE FAITH OF OUR FATHERS”, 82d. edition) O