
AGAGA AGAGA, red; scarlet; to redden. Uma- gaga i matana: to blush. Agaga cha- da: yolk of the egg. Agaganaihon: blond; reddish. AGAGA, neck, throat; back of the neck. Tomates agaga: tonsils. AGALONDE, a shrub. AGANG, to cry out; to give voice, to shout, to clamour; to proclaim. Ileg- fia agang: he said in a loud voice. Inaagatg hao: he calls you. Tres na maagangna: his three bans. Inagaiig: voice, invocation. Agaige: to invite. to invoke. Inagaiigen Yuus: spiritual vocation. Agaigiye: to call in the name of another. Agaiigiye yo as Ma- ria: go and tell Mary to come to me. AGAPA, right side. J] agapa na kanai: the right hand. AGARA, to grasp; to hold, to lay hold of. HAKOT, AG-GAG, incision, wound made by a _.. sharp thing. AGITULUE (a-ge-hilo-e), to superpose; to put one over another, Ti man dgi- tulue siha: they do not influence each other; they are independent. AGKA, biter, one who bites. Ti agka con) i galago; this dog does not ite. AGKAG, noise of the stick or bamboo when they split it. AGLE (ag-lie), one who sees all things./ Sleepy person, one who sleeps much. Chamo aagle: do not neglect it, AGMAN, eel; “muraena tile”. HAGMAN.- AGMATA (magmata), vigilant, watch- ' ful, careful./Clever, precocious. AGMOT (aamot), usurper; snatcher. AGNAO (aajfiao), victor, conqueror; vic- torious, AGO, to alter, to change. Ago i magago: to change clothes. Haago i sagaia: he moved. man ago, to make some change or alteration. aguye, to change for another. Agu- ye yo ni guaka: you change for me the cow, [9] AGULULUME _inago, _maago, change. Meagon z guiniya: transubstantia AGODAI, to have affection, ‘toetaliida enthusiastic; to to become| ly fond of. Madgedai yo nui a child gon: I am very fond of the i Madgodai binibuia: his anger became irritated, AGOGUIYE (gogue), to. attack many ageinst.one in defence of; thelr ‘com- panion, AGON, that which. serves as bread to the chamorros, Agnes our bread. AGONIAS, agony. AGOSTO, August. dunteen) AGRADABLE, agreeable, plessing. GUA- BYAYON. AGRADESE, to thank. cuthanstat. iid: gradese: gratitude; gratefulness, AGRADESIDO, grateful. MAULEG OPENA, AGRAMADERA, brake, an instrument for dressing hemp. AGSOM, see MAAGSON, AGSON (aason), idle, lazy, lubberly. AGUA, see HaGUA./To jump, to leap, to stride; to except, to save, Inagua ye- nao: you omit it. AGUA BENDITA, holy water. AGUADA, watering place; supply of water, AGUAGUAT, stubborn, obstinate, Umd- guaguat: to be headstrong, AGUANAK, the tree LAGUANAK, AGUANON, pond, lake. HAGOE. AGUANTA (aguantar), to bear, to en- ' dure; to maintain, OSUNB. AGUARDIENTE (agua ardiente), spi- ritous liquor, AGUAYENTE, AGUAS, the fish “mugil planiceps.” La- GUAS. GUAGUAS. AGUAYENTE, brandy; liquors; toddy, AGUET, to dart, to let off, to throw, Katna-ha i maaguet i acho: about a stone’s. cast. AGUHA (aguja), needle. AGUHGON (agujén), magnetic needle, sea-compass. AGULULUME, to surround. Maagululu-