
| % ADRs - idle on, tractable, compliant, s “a EL esmanae mB, overn- ena iye, to epee ‘ken another: ADIT, intense, enormous, hoe. ie sickness; serious wound, Umadit: become grave. Luméaadit: to ee more and more grave. Naldadit: to aggrieve. Inadite gue nu i chetnot: his sickness became graver. Inadite 4 ese we + pinites his pain has now ~ jnereased, Inadit: seriousness, enor- mity, asperity; intensity. ADMA (arma), arms, weapons./Adma- ye lasos: to lay snares for some one. - ADMITE, to admit. ADO, to look at the pudenda of the woman by stealth. ADOBAO Sarge pickled; curried, dressed meat, ADOBO, pickle-sauce./To dress, to pre- _. pare. ADOPTA, to adopt. ADORA, to adore; to worship. FAYIUS./ To love excessively. ADOTGAN, to perforate, to cross over. Adotgane: the place that is perfor- ated or passed over, ADOTNA (adorna), to decorate. Ina- dotna: the decorations. ADOTNO, ornament; decoration. ee (a drede), purposely. MAHAS- GON. ADULTERIO, adultery; to commit ad- ultery. UMISAO YAN I GAIASAGUA, ADULTERO, adulterer. FABABA I ASA- GUANA. A DUMIDIDI, little by little; gradual- ly; slowly; step by step; by little and little. AERONAUTA, aeronaut, AEROSTATO, aerostat, balloon, AFAFA, Sans Afafae: to put under the armpit. AFAGCHA, coincidence; concurrence in the same place at the same time, to coincide, to happen at the same time, AGAG to occur at the same day. Umdfagcha i dos apeyido: the two names coin- cide. Umdafagcha i dos gupot: the two holidays coincide. AFAGAO, hoarse, rough; to stay hoarse, to grow hoarse. Inafagao: hoarse- ness; roughness of voice. AFAMAO (afamado), celebrated, fa- mous, noted. MAHNGOG. AFERA, to furl; to moor, Afera i layag: to lower the sails. AFITMA (afirmar), to affirm; to ra- tify. HOYE. HUMUO. AFLAGO, abdomen (Fr. Palomo) ./Groin, AFLAGUE, to run some behind the others. FALAGUE, AFLITO, fried, to fry. Inéflito: fried meat or fish. Nagefaflito: to fry it very well. AFLOHA (aflojar), to loosen, to relax, to let loose. KALO, MAPAO, AFOG, lime. Hotnon afog: lime pit. Sa- afog: to reduce to lime, Afuke: to white wash; to cover with plaster or mortar. AFOTTUNAO (afortunado), fortunate. FINAGCHAE MINAULEG. AFTE (atof-e), to roof. Afte teha: to tile. A FUETSAS (a fuerza), by force; to force. Madfuetsas: madtochocho: forced. AFULO (forro), lining. Afuluye: to line, to put lining. Afuluye papet: to wrap up in paper, AFULO, to box. Aafulo: boxer. AFUYUT, to line; to cover; to wrap up, to tie; to bundle, to roll up. Afuyut adenig: shoe; to put on shoes. Jnafu- yut satnohot: leggings. Inafuyut man- tekiya yan katne gi pan: sandwich. AG, prefix the same as TAG; found in dgmata, agson, dglie, dgnao, &. AGA, banana; fruit of the plain-tree. AGA, raven. I dtulong aga: the black raven. Kumate i aga: to crow, to croak; the raven caws. AGAG, the “pandanus tectorious” tree./ Palm-tree; palm branch, [8]