
- ACHOFUHUNE ACHOFUHUNE, to force, to do viol- ence; to enforce. ' forced, constrained; without freedom. Inachofuhune: violence; compulsion. ACHOG, though; in spite of; yet. Achog- ha pago: even to-day. — ACHOGUIYE leieprte to help some- body in the fight ACHOM, to sneeze;i 'sternutation, sneeze. ACHON (hachén), large torch; big kandle. es ACHOTE, achiote.. See ACHIOTE. ACHUGAN, a plant, scrmes, a fish resembling the cod- ADA, perhaps, may be, mayhap. Guaho b ada?: It is I? ADA, to blame, to censure, to criticise, : to accuse, to detract; reproach. Man- ada; to charge, to reproach one’s face; to reprove ; to repro! , Ma- . nada. yo nu i asaguaho: T blamed my mate, Inada: reproach; charge; cen- sure, accusation, criticism; satire. ADA, point, the sharp end; point. of the sprout, &. I hekua taiebo yan taiada (Padre Palomo): thing. ADAE, and then; consequently ; accord- _ing to that. Guiya adae: and then it is she. Taeguine adae: for this, then. (Always postponed). ADAG, to beat gently. paKor, ADAHE, to care for; to put diligence attention and application into some- thing. Adahe enao: take care of that. - Adahe hao nu enao: guard against that. Adahe i finomo: keep your pro- mise with diligence./To prevent. Ada he nu chamo fatitinas enao, sa faha- teg: abstain from doing that, because > it. is forbidden./Aadahe: ddahe, guar- dian, custodian, protector, patron. Adahiho: my protector. manadahe, to be cautious, to walk with care, to be careful, guard- ed, gentle, considerate. inadahe, care, interest, zeal; prov- Hekua means no- Maachofuhune: ~— > ADA LAO; but oh! Ada tao, Yuval: is ‘eS God! Oh goodness! me Noe ee. ADAMELONG, round; ¢irenl: . ee ical; roundness; globe, ball. Umada- meloig: to become round, to. turn eee. Gaiadameloig na baston: — cane with a ball at 0 oe end, ‘Tnada- ; melong: roundness, circular form, globosity. ; ADAUSE, to yuxtapose, to: intertwine, - to entwine, to interlace, intercwist; to — lace, to bind. Naadause: to entwine a thing with another, Naadause i adefigna: to puta foot. on the other; to cross the legs. ADBIENTO, advent, ADBIETTE, to advise, to give ajaleliiin. Huadbiette hao: I warn you. ADELANTA, to advance./To get ahead, FONA. NAFONA, ADELANTAO, advanced; to advance, to progress. LAMAULEG. LATFENA; ADEMAS, besides; moreover, LOKUE. ADENG, foot; leg. Miadeng : centipede; of many feet. ADIBINA (adivinar), to foretell; to tell fortunes./Enigma./Manadibina: for- . tuneteller, foreboder; soothsayer. ADINGAN, to speak; to converse, to say; to chat. J wmddifigan: the ‘one who is talking, Gefumddifigan: elo- quent; eloquence, J taiiges ofan mi- naddingan: tears scarcely allowes “him to pronounce g word, Inddijigan: conversation, elocution; style. Adiiig- ane: to speak to another. 7 umadinga- figane gue: the person who was speak. ing to him, © [7]