
ee = eat delay; just a moment. _ ABIBA ABIBA, to quicken, to enliven, to en- _ courage. NAGAIHINALOM. Sa -_ inabiba, spirit, courage, beans; beans, IF ipa a “ge tion: gee -. GUAN, — aos oe e cAMATU- ABIT, clever, skilful. | omen amo. ABITASION, ‘room; ‘dwelling. : -ABITO, habit, dress, gaz Penis who’ wears a = MAL Te Gaco. : ABMAM, long interval of time; to last a long time, Abmam esta: it has al- ready long time. Ti abmam: with- en Chamo - aabmam: do not be late; do not sperd ‘much time./Old, antique; from an- Prt times. Ti abmam : modern, re- ldabmam, longer; older.’ Nalaab- * mam: to retard, to delay. inabmam, delay; duration. Tres na sakan inabmamiia guihe: te stayed there 3 years. naabmam, to cause delay. Senage: sabmam fumatinas: he spent long time before doing ‘it. abmame, to do something in a long - time; to take things slowly. ABOG, confident, intimate friend. Abog- ko: my dear friend. ABOGAO, lawyer. SASAGUE. ABOKADO, alligator-pear, ABONA, to bail; to insure; to indemni- fy. APASE,/ ABRIL, april. LuMUHU. ABSUETBE, to absolve. MANASTE ISAO, ABUBO, flowers of “argyreia tiliae 16 lia”. ALALAG, ABUNDANSIA, abundance. meaar. To- FAN. ABUSION, superstition./Omen, KAHNA. / Abuse, ‘misuse, ABUTTAO, bulky, MAMOGPOG. ACHA, prefix which: means “equal, si- milar; equally; also. Uhaachapo- ABICHUELAS, french- -beans, ‘kidney- ACHO ¥ dong: all will fall equally. Achagui- ya: the same; consubstantial. “ACHA (hacha), hatchet, axe. GACHAE. _ACHA, to pound, to strike with some instrument, Acha ni-maso: to: ham- mer down; to maul. Manacha punot: | to break the fiber of the cocoanut. Achayon: malleable; malleability. ACHAGMA (guma), concubine. Guaha achagmana: he lives in concubinage. Umachagma: coneubinage. Achag- mae: the person with whom one lives in coneubinage; to take her as a con- cubine. Achdgma; to be a concubine, ACHAI, chin. Puntan achae: point of the chin. Goden-achae: chin-strap. ACHAIGUA (acha), equal. Ti achai- gua ko gue: he is eeane dene he is not my equal. Taiachaigua: with- out equal; unique, singular; excel- lent, typical. Inachaigua: equality. Manachaigua: democracy; equality of classes. ree ACHAIKAG (ikag),.to contend in velo- city. ACHAIKA, to blame, to impute. SOGNE. ACHAKE (achaque), habitual indispo- sition; fault. CHETNOT. ACHALAN, a plant. ACHAMCHAM, jaw. aa ACHANG, common people, populace. / manmatua yan i manachaiig: the no- ble and the plebeian people. ACHENGGHENG, a fish. ; ACHETE, win to wink./to swing around the anchor. Jnachetge: wink. — ACHIAG, eft,.a small lizard.. ACHIGO, to shut the eyes. ACHIOTE, anotta, “bixa orellana”. ACHOTE. : ACHO, stone, rock. Acho fianak: coral. Acho puko: stone to fish with. Acho atupat: sling. Pinat-acho: stony. Acho misa: altar stone, the conse- erated stone, Si Acho hao: thou art Peter (stone): Mamaacho: to turn to stone. Fanachuan: quarry. Achue: to pave; to bring stones for, Mano- ha na. achue: any kind stone. [6]