
A; Spanish preposition. A las onse: at eleven o’clock. A mano hao?: where are you going? A dumididi: little by little. A, prefix means “mutual, Examples: dchago, remote one from the other; become separated. dchaikag, emulate, rival; to emul- ate, to vie with, to rival. dchatlie, inimical, hostile; to be- come enemies. dchauiigag, balanced; to balance _each other, to be equilibrious. Stent opposite, frontier; to be be- ore. afion, next, neighbor; to each other, dfona, preceding; to precede, to go before. Weigh competitor; to contend, to t. dgadon, interlaced; to become en- twined, to become braided. dgeflamen, mutual esteem and ap- probation. dguot, grappled with another. choye, mutual arrangement, settle- ment. dpalopo, to be above; to put one on top of the other. deavents 3intimate, familiar. ieteae Care lin compe Vy exce dtahgue, relief; to releave ciuseelf, atate, subsequent ; to follow imme- diately. dutut, intersection. aya, suitable; conformable; agree- Ms able to another. AA, to open the mouth; to gape. Umaa gue: was open mouthed or gaping. Inaa, gasping. AABANG, a tree, species of Eugenia, whose wood is used in construction. ABABA, stupefied, stupid, dull. Jna- baba? Inabababa; to indulge in whims; to become obstinate, mutually”. approach [5] ABABARG, ‘psetia /Fish of clus canescens.” A name. Ababaig gupalan: fish “zan- babaiig. pintado: fish. “tetradrachmum aruanum”, that ABAG, devious, gone astray; mitake the "road, to go astray. gon: the re of the ehild./ Te. depraved. inabag, deviation, ‘turning away, going astray; mistake, — fault; perversion, : naabig, to lead astray, mislead, dis- error, Tt to ‘Pervert, to scandal- ABAKA, Manila hemp, abacé, “Musa textilis”. ABALE, lewd, immodest, lustful. Umé- bale: to talk or to do immodest things; to fornicate, gaumdbale, sensual, libidinous, le- cherous. Ginaumddale: instinct of dishonesty, ké-abale, obscene, voluptuous, li- bertine./ Vicious, indbale, lust, impurity, dishonesty; fornication. I indbale na finiho: impure words. nadbale, to prostitute; to corrupt. ABANDONA, to abandon, to forsake. YuTE, ABANDONO, forlorness, (Hugachufige hao gi madifgumo: I accompany you in your forlorness.) ABANIKO, fan. GOHA. ABAS, fruit of the guava-tree; “psidium guajava.”/Guava tree, ABEHA, bee. ABERIGUA, EGAGA. ABERIGUADOT, GAGA. ABETTURA, opening, aperture. BAG. KINAKA, ABIA, to provide articles for a journey; to supply, to furnish, TENGGUAN. to inquire, to investigate. investigator. MANE- BAG- on oS e eS d