
: * : ag . i's . seh (Naagga- A (az acy aah eis # coe SAHGUAN 'ASUKAT, =e ASUKAT (aztcar), sugar. Naye asukat: a to sugar, to sweeten; to ‘put sugar arn on something. : poriatins ascent: of = : ae the t = upon. a ustar), to be frightened. |, blue; bluish, Naasut: to e color blue. DOG, eye; eye-ball, Ninzan i ata- uot: pupil of the eye./Print. I gai- : -atadog na : the letter that has_ ms ~~ above it a dot. ‘ATAGA (agaga), reddened by the rays; high-coloured.. ATAGTAG, stubborn, ilo wild; ; _knavish, roguish, . ATAHA (atajar), intercept, stop, or » obstruct. PATANG. ATAKE (ataque), attack, onset; of- ~” fens?, TINIGONG. ATALAG, to open wide the eyes; to fix the sight at some object. NADOCHON I Sp INATAN, ; _ ATAMOS, feeble, imbecile} simple, sily. ATAN, to look. Taya atanho; I do not . wear glasses. Fanatanan: observato- St rin Ty; any place for observations. Chat- fae ae - @tan; to look badly. Gef-atan: to res- Re Pee ie, en pect. Inatan: sight. : me ATAN (atane), to give a sharp blow; to hammer; to nail, ATANE; to nail; to hammer, Afane gi | kiluus: crucify. Atane gi estémago: to digest. / ATARANTAO (atarantado), discon- certed, amazed, astonished; want of prudence, disorder. bit ot ATGODON que ATASKA, (atascar); to stick in a deep e ee rach = miry place. Maataska: to stick in the mire. CHENGION. ‘ ; ATATE, subsequent, posterior. Mon-dta- te: to follow one behind the other. Fandtatiye: place yourselves in file. ATAUT (ataud), coffin. SINEN MATAI, ATAYAG, misdoer, malefactor, offend. er./ Robber. ATAYO, the waist./Loins, ribs, ATBA (alba), dawn of the day; day- spring, MACHACHAG I HAANE./Alb of the priest. ATBAHAKAT, sweet basil, ._ ATBANIT (albafiil), a mason; brick- layer. ATBAROSA, butterfly. ATBETTURA (abertura), opening. BA- BA, KINAKA. CHICHE, BALAGBAG, ATBIDON (almidon), starch. ATBOT (arbol), tree, ATBOROTA (alborotar), to disturb, to vex, CHALBHGUA, ATBOROTAO, disturbed; of a. seatiogs disposition, turbulent; rioter. ATBOROTADOT, agitator, ‘rioter, ALBOROTO (alboroto) ,. tumult, riot, disturbance, faction. YINAOYAO, _ ATCHIBO, archive. ATDAO (arao, aldao), sun. Umatdao: sunrise. [ semnag i atdao; the rays of the sun. ATE, to pour a liquid on another, Ma- os whiskey i setbesa: beer has whis- y. hs ATEGTOG, leper; leprous; leprosy, LA- SARINO. ATENSION, attention, cur BKUNGOG. ATENTO, attentive. artrro. ATES, an creidacedus plant, squamosa.” | ATFONBRA (alfombra), carpet, ATGANAS, saddle-bag; knapsack. ATGAYAS, tonsils; to take out the ton- sils. Huatgayas hao: I will put out your tongue, ATGODON, cotton. “anona [16] TECA Nag CAPUCHINOS