
- APOYO the congregation of the apostles. TI- # NAGO, NINAHANAO. APOYO (apoyo), prop, stay, support, fulerum; to lean upon, APRENDIS _ (aprendiz), apprentice, prentice; learner. MANEEYAG. APRETA (apretar), to tighten, to con- strict,to compress. NAMAFNOT. APRETAO, tight; strict. MAFNOT.. CH'- GET. APRIETA, to compress, to tighten. Ina- pririeta nu i lelo: cough is growing stronger. APROBASION, approbation. APROBECHA (aprovechar), to profit by a thing; to make progress. A PROPOSITO, apropos; by-the-bye./ On purpose, purposely. APRUEBA (aprobar), to approve. MA- LAGUE. : APULAE, to quarrel. APLAE. APUNTA, to aim; to point out. APURA, to hurry. __ APURAO, in a hurry. APUYA, the navel, umbilicus. ARAK, wine; arrack. ASADOT (asador), a spit. KOMAT. ASAENA (a! saena), oh sir; oh ma- _ dam! ASAFRAN (azafran), saffron. ASAGUA, to marry. Umdsagua: mar- riage, matrimony; to marry. Asague- yon: at the marriage age, marriage- able. ASAGUA, consort. J] umasdgua: a mar- ried couple. Inaségua gue: he got married with her. ASAHE (sahe), apex, peak, summit of a mountain or tower. Umasahe: to arrive at the top; to walk along the same, ASAHONG (sahe), to descry at a dis- tance, to see afar off. - ASAITE (aceite), oil. LANA, ASE, pardon, mercy. Gaiase: merciful. Taiase: cruel. ASEGURA, to secure; to state, to as- sert. ASENSION; Ascension; feast of ‘the Ascension of Christ. ‘KINAHULO, ASENTADO, modest, serene, “decorou es _ proper, fit, Jnasentado: modesty ; ae: cency, Naasentado: to do somethi with decorum and properly. | = ‘ASEPTA (aceptar); to accept; to give assent; to assent. CHAHLAQ, ASERADURA, padlock; aoe ASERIN, sawdust. may H ASERO, eet Papet asero: sand-paper. ASGA (asiga), sulphur. Asgae: bleach, to fumigate with sulphur, ASGON (aso-on), spot; to darken, obscure, to diminish the clearness of ‘ looking-glasses, crystals, air, & Na- asgon: to cloud. — ASGUE (aso-ue), to smoke, to fume, Asque nu i insienso: to incense. ASIDENTE, accident; misfortune, ASIE (ase-e), to forgive, to pardon. Asie oo twes forgive me, I beg your pardon, Aasie, pardoner, priest. Ti aasie yo: I am not a priest, Asiiyon: excusable, pardonable, forgivable. ASIGA, salt. See ASEN, MAASNE, ASI KOMO, so as, as well as. ASISTE, to assist, SAGAYE. ASKEROSO (asqueroso), nasty, filthy, nauseously, NAMASA. ASNE (asin-e), to salt. Hafa asnena?: where with shall be salted? Asnen tukon: fish in brine. ASO, smoke; to smoke. Asgon: cloudy, ASO, to incline a post, tree, house, &. ASODA (soda), to meet each other. Haye-ha i asodaho: everybody I meet. ASOGE (azogue), mercury, quicksil- ver. Asogiye (naye asoge): to over- lay with quicksilver. A SOLAS, alone. ASON, bed; to go to bed. Naason: to lie on; to place in bed or stretched out, Asofige: where. ASTA, until. Asta i tatalona: i tataloia chitia: up to his shoulder./Lance; staff; handle. [15]