
res Pater a re ie EY] ‘fe eee --— ing “es ca a OPNAN, _ APLACHA: (lacha),. dirty, Aplacha ta- laiga: Ori Naaplacha: to. soil, to ‘stain, to dirty. gia (aplacar), to appease, CHUGA. oS APLASTA (a \ plastar), to cake, to flat- a thing. ARANAS (arafia), spider. YEYE. APA- YUHAG./Tirarafias: cob web. ARAS (arras), what the bridegroom gives to the bride, as a pledge, aoc./ Guarantee, pledge. FAMAGAHET. ARASA (arrasar), to raze, destroy, de- molish, GEF-YULANG. ARASTRA (arrastrar), to drag: along the ground. BATSALA. AREA (arrear), to lower, (Nitaksy 4 bandera: to strike the colours. AREBATAO. (arrebatado), violent, ra- pid, HAPINALALA. - AREGLA, AREGLAO, to regulate; to reduce, to order; to mrodaravee FA- MAULBEG, AREGLO, arrangement; rule, FINAMAU- LEG. “ARENDA (arrendar), to rent a oes da; rented; renting. j ARENDADOT, lessor, hirer, tenant; landlord. ARESTA (arrestar), to arrest,. to. con- fine. ARIENDA, see ARENDA. ‘ARIESGA, to risk; to hazard. Inaries- ga: risk, chance, ARIMA (arrimar), to. approach, . to draw near, Arimaye: the place where to, FUUNB. APOSTOL _ARIMAO «(atrimado), approached. ct FION. ACHIHET. ARIMO (arrimo),° support, protection. __ ARINA (harina), flour. GINILEG - (trie go, &). ARKA, ark. Say aTKa./Chest. . ARMONIKO, accordion. — ARMONIO, harmonium, reed organ. . AROMA, aroma. PAOPAO. AROMO, the tree “acacia farnesiana”. ARORU, arrow-root, j ARRONSADA (arnepent)s to haul a hawser. - ARSOBISPO: gteobiase: archbishop. AS, article of proper names. ‘As Juan, ‘As Muyao, As Lukas, &./The house of: untungo as Maria? : do you know the house of Meretslingy as Jose: he said to Joseph. . ASA, to be carried by ‘the wind, the waves, &. Inasa i medong: the ship deflects from the course, ASADA (azada), spade, hoe./Pickaxe, mattock. APLIKA, to apply.” APLIKADO, studious. GAMANEYAG. APLING, dislocated; dislocation, a tox ation, a joint put out. ‘Naapling: to disjoint. APLOG, tender cocoanut that already contain the liquid.- APO, ashes: Hanom apo: lye, water boil- - gd with ashes: Apuye i satge: to scatter ashes on the floor. ; APO, back ofa séat. Umapo: to lean on or upon, Fanapuan: the place where. Naapo: to recline, to lean back. APODERA (apoderar), to possess one’s self of a thing. APODERADO, proxy. APOSAMENTO, part of tea NASA. AEOGENTO (id.), room, appartment. / An ‘inn, APOSTA tapéetas); to bet. Aaposta: better. APOSTATA, apostate. Umapéstata: to be so. APOSTOL, ‘apostle, I dose na apostol: {14]