
ANITE ANITE,, devil, demon.. Matiganite: the evil spirits. Jnanite na _ finatinas: wicked action; diabolical action, Jna- nitiyan hao: devilish, extremely bad; ~ possessed with a devil (you are). ANIYO, ring. ANKANO (kano), remains of food. ' ANKULA (kula), sifting; bran, ANOG, patent, visible; exterior form; to appear. J sifa anog: that which comes in sight. Ti anog: invisible. Anuke: to whom. ~ ANOGCHA (togcha), correlative; with relation to. Jndnogcha: mutual rela- tion, dependence. ANONAS, annona, custard-apple. ANTE, soul. Gaiante: rational. Iyon i ante: that which is of the soul. Chat- ante (char-ante); devil. ANTEKAMARA, ante-chamber. /Hall. ANTEOHOS, spectacles, ANTES, before. NAYA, (Ti taeguenav naya: heretofore it was not thus.) ANTES BIEN, rather. ANTES DE, before, prior to. ANTES KE, sooner than; rather than. ANTIGO: ANTIGUO, old, ancient; to be so, HAGAS, AMKO. ANTOHO (antojo), whim, fancy. ANTORCHA, torch. (Sumulo: to fish with torches). ANTULA, contumely, veproach, insult. Antulaye: to insult in the face; to blame openly. ANUFAG, bark of the PAHGo, ANULA,. to annul. NAMAHNAO, ANUNSIA, to announce, NAMATUNGO, ANUNSIO (anuncio), announcement./ Statement, advice. NINAMATUNGO, ANUS, to balance one’s self. CHUKAN MAISA. ANGGARIYAS (angarillas),; hand-bar- row; stretchers. DILILING. TITIN, ANGHET, angel. Chat-aiighet: Satan. ANGILES, indigo plant. ANGKLA (ancla), anchor; to anchor. Sotta i angkla: to cast it. Fanaig- klayan: anchoring ground, APASOTES ANGLO, ary. Inaiglo: artaity, ‘yness Naaiiglo: to dry. ee ARGOKO, confidencé, hope; to hope, confide, Aitigokuyon: trustworthy. 4 ANA, to offer chewing tobacco. aia yo: give me tobacco to chew. ANA, to treat ‘ill, to “sbuae. Tnaita: o treatment. ; pS ANADE, to add; Mae addition.’ TOTCHE, TOTCHIYE, TALUYE, > ANAO, to frighten, to’ ‘reduce to. wubject- ion; to conquer, to route. Taiainao: dauntless, intrepid. ANEHO (aiejo), old, stale, musty. ANO, year. Aito Nuebo: New Year, — ANOS, year; age. Kuantos aitos a -8a- kanmo?: how old are you?. ; ANOG, to solicit women, Atakas: for another, AOG, wedding gift of the bridegroom to the bride; dowry, APA, to put the hand on the shoulder of another. and to walk thus. APACHA, locust. MAHONGANG. APAGA, shoulder. Apagaye: to load on the shoulder; to carry on one’s shoul- ders. APAGON ldneast)s which is extinguish ed very soon. ; APAHIGAI, long and thin lobster that breeds in the cocoanut trees, APAKA, white. Umdépaka: to whiten. APAN, to decrease the water; to eva- porate. Ti apan i lafa: the oil was not wanting. APARADOT (aparador), cupboard; clo- set for clothes. APAREHO, preparation; to get ready. NAHANE. APARENSIA, appearance. ANOGNA. APARENTE, apparent; patent, ANOG MALIE, APAS, pay. Apas haane: day wages. Apase: to pay. Apasiye: to pay for another. APASIGUA, to appease. CHUGA, APASOTES, mexican tea, [13]