
th Sek Os Ry er AMAMA namaka. gue: lag, ooaey inate -AMAMA (mama), tobacco ‘chewed. AMAMARG, lower lip. Haake amamaigia : biting the Ns. “AMANO?, where to? its AMARIYO, yellow. MANGO, AMASA (amasar), to knead. YAKA. NA LIGUA, a8 AMASKA, tbiadeo to chew; to chew it. -Naamaska tofpr yo: give me tobac- co to chew, AMATGOSO (amargos0), balsam-ap- AME (mama), aidaaiat of amama. * rats PP less ple; - AMENASA, menace, threat, FANAGUE. HANHAN, oo ah MENUDO, repeatedly, frequently; often. SESO. AMERIKANO, American. AMIGO, friend, atuNco. AMINASO (amenaza), menace, threat. FINANAGUE, AMISTOSAMENTE, friendly. AMKO, person of age; old; to be it, Amko yo: I am old. Amko yo ke gui- ya: I am older thanrhe. J man amko: the ancients. J] inamkona: his age. AMO, lord, master. SAENA, GAITENTAGO. AMONESTASION (amonestar), admo- nition./Marriage bans, AMONTONA (amontonar), to heap, to pile up. NAETNON. AMOR (amor), love. GUINAEYA, GINE- FLIE, AMORAO, enamored. MANGUAEYA. AMORES SEKOS, the plant “andropo- gon aciculatus”, AMOT, medicine. Fanamutan: _ ey, dispensary. amute, amte, to cure, to medicine, to apply medicaments, Fanam#i- yan: hospital, clinic. Aamte: doc- tor, physician. Yoamte: a good physician. AMOT, to despoil, to carry off, to de- prive./Anti—, Amot talos: antidote, farma- ANINANG counter-poison. Amot ginigeg: thelmintic, vermifuge. AMOTSA (almorzar), to breakfast; the breakfast. ENYAG. AMPARA (amparar), to protect, to shelter, to save. Dios te ampare: Si Yuus unginegue: God bless you. AMSON, mussel, a shell-fish. AMTE (amot-e), to medicine, to cure. Amtiyon: curable. Ti amtiyon: in- curable, AN—(with accent), prefix which means “remnant, residue, result”. See “danka- no, Andifigo, Ankula, anguadog, an- yulafig, &”. AN, variation of YAN. Hamyo an guaho: you and I. ANAE, when (past or future tense); while. Anae man-aatan: when (while) they were looking. Anaeha: imme- diately that. ANAKO, long. Inanako: ness, stretch, extent, lengthen. ANCHO (ancho), broad, large. Inancho: width, largeness; latitude. FEDA, ANDAMIO, scaffold; platform. saTGr. ANDAS, stretcher; handbarrow; litter. TITIN. ; ANDE, dandy; gallant; graceful; to be it. Umandi: to be gallant; to escort, to court; to woo, Andie: to whom. ANDUYO, the filler of the cigar. ANGIN, if, when. YAGIN, YANGIN. ANGOSTO, narrow, close. MAIOT, DALA- Lal. ANIBETSARIO, anniversary. SAKAN I MATAI./MAFANAGO. ANIMA, to animate. ANIMAS, the souls in purgatory./Ring- ing of bells at sunsetting./To be seven years old. ANIMO, courage, spirit. Gdianimo: be of good courage. ANIMOSO, brave, spirited, courageous. GEFHINALOM. ANINENG, shadow of some object; spec- tre; reflex, an- length long- [12] Naanako: to — sitliacanian