
ALAIHAI ALAIHAI, the plant ‘pegyuctesiitiedie. | lia”. HALAIHAN, ALAK, arrack; wine;. liquors ALAKRAN, scorpion. ALALAG, same as ALAIHAI. ALAMEN, to comprehend. Ti hualamen hao: I do not understand you. Boi- hualamen i malaigo: I am going to see the patient. ALAMLE, wire of any metal. dlauhige: to put wire. Kolat alamle: wire- work, wire-fence. — ALANBIKE (alambique), alembie, still. ALANSA (lanza), to spear each other. LANGA, stupid, idiot, foolish, simple, fool, dull. Umalaiiga: to hold the mouth open like a mime. -ALANG-ILANG, the proper name is ILANGILANG. ALAPASOTES, American tea. A LA PAT, equally, jointly, at par. /To level, to equal. ALAS (ala), wing. PAPA, ALATGA (alargar), to lengthen, to ex- tend, to expand. NALAANAKO, ALBA, dawn, MACHACHAG KATAN./Alb, the white gown worn by priests. ALBAHAKAT (albahaca), sweet basil. ALE, detriment, damage, loss, harm. Umale si Ines: Agnes committed a fault. Inale: harm, damage, slip, frailty. Tai-inale: spotless; harmless. Nainale, to miss, to fail. Nainale i lai: to break the law. ALENTOS,. breath. . Taialentos: with- out breath, without heart. ALES, to devour meat without chew- ing it. Patot ales: to gobble, to glut, to gorge. - ALESNA, awl. ALFOMBRA, carpet. HAFYE ADENG, ALGIDON (algodon), cotton. ALGUN, some, some person, something. HAF, ALIANSA, alliance, league; consociation. INATUNGO, ALIBIA (aliviar), to help; to mitigate grief. NALANAHLALANG, Re lieved. LAM ae ALIBIO eae ‘comfor EM viation, Nae alibio: to tah n, ‘ loose, to: help. a ALIGAO, to seek,Gefatigae: & Weck't search — diligency; Nips _Tnaligao: that which is. Facdlnrgs aie: ~gague: for the of, in bohatt mt, : in favour of ano er one. ALILING, a mollusk,— % ALIMASAG, colored crab, ee ek ALIMENTA <{plisnantan) to ute NA “CHOCHO, POGSAB, | sak é ALIMENTO, food, “NBAGKANO,-- ThA ALINGKING, to K sia to joverset,. to capsize. /To whir around anion the head on the ground, £8. is, A ALINA (alifiar), to arrange, to. ‘adorn; eo ae to dress or cook victuals, FAMAULEG, = FATINAS, ALITOS (arillos), ear-ring. Jnalitos gue: she wears ear-rings. ALMOHADA, pillow, ALUNAN. ALO, a large fish, ALOF, to make signs with the hand; to call by signs, Znalof: that sign. ALOG, to quote,’ to cite, to say, Taalog taeguihe iya guiya: let us talk like him. Haye umalog?: who said it? llegiia: he says. | ALOM, a tree. ALONGLONG, dunce, dolt, 4a moon- calf. ALULA, hurry, promptitude, rapidity; in haste, Inalula: to be in a hurry. Ti inalulula yo: 1 do not worry; J am not in a hurry. Alulaye: to hurry up in order to do something. Alulaye umeyag enao: hasten to learn this. ALUM, a tree. ALOM, ALUNAN, pillow. Umalunan: to use the pillow. 'Nainalunan: to put the pillow for another; to oblige him to use it. ALUTONG, granite, quartz. AMABLE, amiable, GOFLIION. AMAHAYAN, a shrub, AMAKA, hammock, suspended bed, Nai- RM ud [11]