
» AGUPA me ne i taotao ihe ‘surrounded by __& erowd of people. Z A “to si Yuus; to-morrow, God AGUPA, to be aceostumed to. AHA, to expose to the sun, “to sun. ‘TALA. AHE, no aed something), ee to say no; to pon Humuo- he: affirmed and “denied. ie nae: of course, = rang 2H Inahe: negation. AHGAO, the tree “premng, gaudichau- «> di’. ALAGAO, wilting. | gas wih: grated ~ cocoanut cooked in hot’ water with - - sugar and starch from ‘tapioca, ae sn beet ‘sesame, “sesamum 5 ‘inode: : beeen 2 (ajustar), to adjust, to com- AHUSTAO, adjdetea. ‘Keairbi. TINT- Al, a Ai nu guaho: alas, Poor me; woe is me! AI AI, to lament, to repeat the word AI in sign of pain or grief. AIGUAN, suffix of verbs, same as GUAN. Sakaiguan: to steal slyly. — AIRE, air. i AIROSO, airy; genteel, elegant, fine, AIS, ice. MAIHIGO NA HANOM. AISLADO, isolated. GUIYA NA MAISA, AKA, to bite, Fanaka: teeth, tongs, pin- cers; tentacle. Y AKACHA, to do damage; to molest, Aka- chaye: to vex others. AKADIDOG, sharp pointed. Naakadi- dog: to sharpen, to whet. AKAGUE, left side; left. Akague fafa- yiia: he is lefthanded, en grinder, molar teeth. /Lower . jaw. AKALANG, very small, minute. AKALAYE, suspense, hanging; to be hung. Anae wmdkalaye i tinaihine- _ kog: where. eternity is pending. AKALEHA, snail. AKALENG, one handed, armless.. .. to-morrow, can. vagina ALAIGLESIA _AKAMO, wedding, marriage, matrimo- » ny. Sakramenton Umdkamo: Sacra- -ment of Matrimony. Gupot wndkamo: wedding feast; fandanggo. - AKANGKANG, bindweed. AKAPULKO, ' plant. whose ‘scientific name is “herpetica alata”, AKASO, (acaso), perhaps; by change. AKEYO, tuft of hair. | AKIHOM, closed fist; to close the fist. Manakihom: niggard, close, narrow. AKLARA (aclarar), to make bright, to clear. NAMANANA. ; AKONPANA (anpmapaliae), to accompa- ny. OSGAIHON, — AKONPANAMIENTO, accompaniment; attendance. MANGACHONG, > AKONPARA, to compare, to confer. AKONPARASION, comparison: “Parable. GAIACHAIGUA, AKONSEHA, to advise, 6 darn Pa- GAT. ! : AKONG, grime, dirt, filth. AKORDEON, accordion. AKOSTUNBRA, to accustom, to use. PAYUNE. : AKRE, acre, agrarian measure. | AKREEDOT, a creditor. MADIDIBE. ; AKSION, action, — FINATINAS./Stock, share, capital in a company. AKTIBO, active, MAKALAMYA. AKUDE, to assist. GUAGUATO. _AKULA, ankle. AKUSADOT, accuser.. FAFAILA. Gorcor. ALA, basket. Alaye: to put into aAbas ket. ALABA (alabar), to praise, TUNA.» ALABASTRO, alabaster. ALADO, a plough; to plough, to plow, inalado na haane: quantity of land ploughed in the course of a day. ALAGUAN,. rise «soup. with cocoanut "milk. ALAHAS, jewel. ALAIGLESIA (a la iglesia), refuge; to take refuge. [10]