
74 CHINESE MUSIC. the Confucian temple there is one only, placed on th east side of the hall. It gives two sounds at the beginning of each strophe. No. 37 .-The Yu (M) has the form of a tiger resting on a rectangular box. It should be 3 .6 feet in length, 1.8 feet in width, and 1 foot high. The tiger has on its back 27 teeth resembling a aw. At the end of each strophe the attendant strikes the tirrer three time: on the head, and rapidly passes his st ick three times along the projections on th: back, to announce the end of the strophe. The yu is placed on the west side of the Confucian hall. No. 38.-The P'ai-pan (ffl fli), or "castanets," are two small slabs of a kind of red-wood (ffi: *) attached together with silk_cord, a nd on w~ich a thi.J:d slab of the same kind of wood is struck to beat time. These are m common use m popular orchestras. An ancient kind of c;astanet consisted of I 2 small slabs of bamboo faste~e_d together, upon which poetry was engraved; it was named ~ ~fl (ch'wn-tu), and was ~sed at religious ceremonies. Nowadays the ch'un-tu has l>een replaced at the Confucian ceremome~ by another kind of castanet called .:J,; )t[j ( shou-pan). The slabs of the shou-pan are of :t:l (huai) wood, 1.35 feet long, tu- inch thick, 2.5 inches broad at the lower end, and only 2 inches at th e up~er end. The words of the hymn are engraved on it. Each of the six singers has charge of one shou-pcin; at each word t hey strike the slabs against the palm of the ha nd - No. 39.-The Mu-yu (* I.) or "wooden fish," is made of a block of wood hollowed out a.nd shaped somewhat like a skull. It is painted red all over, and is of all sizes, up to I foot in <liameter. It is used by priests to mark t~me in the recitation of prayers when begging from ,loor to door 01• in performing their ceremonies.