
CHINESE MUSIC. 71 No. 33.-The Ti-tzu (,;- ,f-) is the flute ordinarily met with in China. It is a t ube bound round with waxed silk and sometimes ornamented with tassels. It has eight holes: one to blow th.rough, one covered with a thin reedy membrane, and six to be played upon by the fingers. There are, besides, several other holes at the !lnd, but these are of no practical use except to attach the silk tassels and other ornaments. The fingering of this instrument is of course the same as that of all instruments of the flute kind, and the notation is the same as that of the hsiao, except that the ti -tzu is a fomth higher. This is the scale :- , , ~ ~ ~ ~ R I ~ ~ ffi ~ U ~ ( ~ = foreign A, 902 vibrations per second). The sounds emitted by Chinese flutes cannot properly be rendered in Emopean notation, some being sharper and others flatter than the sounds represented by om notes ; but this may be due as much to the ignorance of instrument-makers as to the irregularity of the intervals of the Chinese scale. Besides, the Chinese are not very particular in regard to pitch, and any shocking deficiency in justness of tone they manage to remedy by blowing harder or softer.