
70 - . CHINESE nmSIC. " positive to " are grouped together .on t~e lef~ side of the instrument ; the yi/fl, lus, _ or " negative tones," are arrange~ on the nght side. The notes produced by the t ubes, according to their position, are the followmg :- ' J: -J u #~ J d ~J I, 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ~i I ~ ~ J ;J ~ ro, I I , I2 , I 3, _J ~;J: II I6. 14, I 5, The· p'ai-hsiao is used only in ritual music. Two are employed at the Confucian ceremonies, placed respectively on the east and west sides of the hall. The music performed by them is exactly the same as that of the stone chime.. · . No. 3o.-The Yueh (,ti) was a short flute with three holes, and blown at the end. Formerly it was used by the dancers, and was occasi~nally played to indicate their movements; at present, although the dancers still use the yueh m their evolutions, it is no longer a flute but simply a stick. . No. 3r.-The Oh'ih (~) is a flute meaSur~g about 14 inches in length. It is now blown transversely, but was formerly blown in th e nud dle. The number of holes varies betwe~n 6 and IO, and even more. It has gradually become obsolete, its place being taken by simpler instruments. No. 32 .-The Hsiao (ffi) is said to have been invented by a certain Jffi flft (YEH CHUNG) during the Han dynasty. · This flute is a tube of dark brown bamboo, measuring about r. 8 feet in length. It has five holes above, one below, and one at th e e nd , tlu·ough which it is played. Flutes of this kind were fo rmerly made of copper, of j adeS t one, or of marble, such materials being thought less liable than wood to be affected by changes of temperature. They were introduced into ritual music dming the Yuan. dynas_ty (ci?'cci A.D. r3o~); and under the present dynasty their use has been confined to ritual music. At th e Confucian ceremonies there are six hs'icio, placed immediately outside the hall, on the "Mqon Tei~ra~e." The music which they perform is exactly the same as that of the other instruments, but it is noted in a different manner. The following is the ordinary scale of the hsiao :- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I }L .i.. 1i ~ .1: 1R 1:t 1Jl f,, R .,, fJi (R = foreign D) . are produced by sto1iping the holes one after the other, just as These notes with European flutes.