
60 CHINESE MUSI C. 0 O 0 o O 0 0 0 0 ,,.. .., The ch'in is used for what is called elegant music (filt ~). It is supposed to be the special instrument of the educated classes; and yet, it is somewhat neglected by the present creneration being scarcely met with except at imperial ceremonies. This may be attributed : 0 the fac~ that playing on the ch'in i.s surrou~ded . with dif:1iculties enough ~o deter the most willing learners. The notation, for mstance, 1s qmte peculiar: each note bemg a compound of several simple characters, so arranged as to convey at once to the eye of the performer the note to he played, the string to be chosen, the finger to be l sed, etc. The principal signs are the following:- RIGHT HAND. . -ft indicates that the right hand alone is to play the note. -,=• .=, l!Q , etc., indicate what string is to be played, the 1st, znd, etc. =£ indicates that the thumb must push the string outward. p ,, ,, ,, ,, , 1 inward. (J ,, ,, index " ,, outward. ifi: ,, ,, ,, ,, inward. ,, middle finger ,, " " " " " " outward. " " ring-finger inward. " outward. '1 'JJ T .'.1f "$. r ~ - " " two strings must be played at the same time fifth , · d t b t · . ' s 0 1 octavos m ex mus ea several strmgs m succession · same string must be played by the index · d .dell . . . an mi e tiIJge1· m success10n. . same string must be played by two or tl , fin. · 11 ee gen; tog tl in order to re-enforce the sound. c 1c1·, LEFT H.rnn. ;k indicates the thumb. A ,, ,, fore-finger. s:p ,, ,, middle finger. -51 ,, ,, ring-finger. - , _::, ::, (1!L etc., up to ~' (i.e. Nos. r to 13 ) must press on the string. indicate at what stud the finger