
N AMES OJ<' N O'.rES. CHINESE MUSIC. Liis by which the Notes are produced. K ung.. .. ..... ... ....... ........ 'g Huang-clmng .... ..... ....... j{ ~ Shw,zg .. ... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. ..... .. ~ T'ai-ts'ii .. .. ..... ......... ...... -:;k ~ ()''hiao ... ..... .. . :.. .. .... .. .. .. . -«- Ku-l• 0 i· -M- :or. J'i "" .............. ........ .... ;,in ui. Pien-chih .. ..... .... ..... .-.. ... ~ ~ J iii-~in... .. .. .... .............. ~ ~ ~!,/, -l,-1- 1£- Ghih.. ....... .. .. .. .. .. .... ... ... ~ Lin-clmng ....... .. ........ .. .. YI' !l;fil Yii .. ............ ....... ... ..... . 7171 ]Yan lu" * P /J/J - ....... . ..... . .... . .. . .. . ffJ f'.:l m=> .Pien-lmng........ ..... ..... ... ~ g Ying l - tiJr. 1£- -c mng............. ...... . fl'.:."' ~ K img ... ... ....... ... ... ... .. ... 'g Huang-chung ...... ........ .. =,l ~ 15 Western equivalent Notes. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ... C. C D. ip E. ~ ' I~ G. I'"' A. ,, () B. "' I' c. This scale remained in use unchanged until the rise of the Yi.i an (JG) dynasty (14th century), the founder of which was KUBLAI Khan, the grandson of GENGHIS Khan. The invading Mongols brought with them a scale and a system of notation different from that used by the Chinese. This scale was as follows :- e, 0 () B () ~ ~ G x R I JL 7' ~ Ho. Ssu. Yi. Shang. Oh'ih. Kung. Fan. Liii. Wii. This new notR.tion rapidly became popular on account of the simplicity of the characters compared with the complicated signs of the ancient sea.le. But confusion was naturally created by some musicians using F natural, while others used F:j:f. KUBLAI Khan, who always paid strict regard to the ancient laws and customs of the conquered Chinese, endeavoured to reconcile the two scn.les by introducing F # in tbe modern gamut under the name of 1;J (kou); and the following gamut became dominant durin()' the rule of the Yi .i.an (JC) dynasty 1 :- b ' Z"-2 G 2" t9 #o '119 Q -e- b e ft ~ z x 1;J R I }L J,. 1i. /\ Ho. Ssii,. Yi. Shang. Kou. Ch'ih. Kiing. Fwn. Liu. JY1b. 1 See ~ ~ ~ . book~ ~f, chapter liJK ~ .