
Ol' vollow bell. Correspoud~ to the !Ith 1moou aud t he I Ilh hour, emit.-; the dOlllld 'g, kllltJ, IUO• dt•rnly called ~ . Ito, is a y1m;1-lii, was the first tube out, and ser ved as gi.'nitor to all t he others. It is sRi<.l tha ti it meRsnred I Chinese foot lung, a.u<.l that it cun – ,taiued ex.a.ctly I ,200 grains of millet. Two-thirds of its length form the next tube. Its sounrl may be compared with our C. LIN-CHUNG, or forest boll, 1nonsures ex.!ictly tw,>– thirds of the length of the preceJ– iug tube, an,\ gives a. note a. fifth higher than k1rn3. It is c,ill e,l ~. chih, or R -ch'ih. Lt cor.-esponds t o the 6th lUOOn and the ISt hour. The cor– redpondiug Foreign note is G. T'AI -TS'U, NAN-LU, or or great fran1 -.l, souther n ought to be tube, is twn– two-thircts tbird.s of the of the length of the length of the precetlin g proce,ling tube, and tube, but >H o,nits a the son11d sound a fifth t hen pro- higher, viz., duced would ~l y ii., be too lugh ne,trly equal comp,wed to our A. [t with k1ittJ, co,..-e,ponrb t he t ube is to the 8th d,mbletl, Le. , muon a nd fom-third 5 t he 5th hour. are t..1.kcn instead of two-thirdB, and the note is of course an oct.we low9r. T hid note is called ~ . shang, and is abont our D. This tnbe cor– responds to the 1st moun and t he 3r<l huu-1·. KU -HSI, or old pttrificd, III ea,s ures four-third$ of the length o[ the pre– culling tube, a.nd t he SOll lld it emi t.> is ea.li – ed Jfi , chiao, antl is abont our K This tube curre;– po nd.-; to tht: yd m•1on an,[ the 7th h•J1 1t·. Any l mperi,tl religious cernmony t.1.ki11g place cl u ring the 3rLl moon has music played in the key of ktt-hsi. 'l'he same with c,ther moons. YING-CHUN3, or nuswcriug b<lll, is t11·0- t hi1·ds of t he lem;th or kit-hsi. Note emitted~ 'g, 1>ic,i- k1t,iJ, or ou r B, •~ note little u~eLl by Chinese. CutTesp,m rls to the 10th moon a ll(\ th,:: 9th hour. JUI-PIN, or lux.nrian t vo~et.atiou, 1u ~a.sures fonr-thirds of the length of the p re– ceding tn be. Nute, m ftt, picit- chih, or our F:\:',:. 'l'liis and the pre– ceLliug note h,we always puzzled the Chinese when use,\ to form tlte scale, and thert:fo re they h a.\'e preferred to exclude t hem frqm t heir smtle. Corresponds t o the 5th moon a.nd t he r 1th h onr, TA-LU, or greate.,t tube, m u, t be doubled, t lrnt is, it must mc,1.– sure fo ur- t hir,ls of t he length of .ini-1,in, to give a note like our C# . Corre.-;ponJ ; ' to the 12th moon and the 1st hour. I-TSE, or eq nalising ru le. 1'he preced ing t ube bein~ 1do11lilcJ, UGs ough t t o be twu-thirds o[ ii;.-; 1,mgtb, iu 01·,ler to emit a note correspo111.l– ing nearly tll our G#. Corresponds to the 7th moon aud the 3rd hour. CHIA-CHUNG, or pressed bell, measures £um-third-; of the length of i-tsJ, N utc, D#. Cor– redpond, to t he 2nd moon ancl the 5th huur. WU -I, or not termi– nated, is two– t hirds of t he length of thtl preced ing tube. Note, A{f. C,,r– respomld to t he9th 1110011 ,tnd t he 7th hour. lta r .,;i,[ Jcngtli is 4.884EI i11che~. CHUNG-LU, or mean t nue, is fo ur– thinl$ of th e length of w,i- i. Note,F. Cu rre,pond, to the 4th m oon ftutl the 9th h.,ur. Length, 6i iuclios. ~ ;;-: 0 ;d ~ .... :n ;:r:i 0 ~ -< :,: 0 ;:;::1 0 :::i >cl -< @ -; r;: :n 0 t-1 V. ;:,j ::0 ;:,- >cl :=1 0 % :"'.I >- ~ 0 _, ...:; r-l ::0 ~ 0 l\l ,-.. 0 -J =I ...... ~ r-:J J ) ::=:l ~ a CJ) ...... ".)