
CHINESE MUSIC. 61 These simple characters and a number of others are brought together in various way to form compound characters. Thus, if the player meets with the character @, 1 he will know at once that he has to pull rapidly the seventh string forward and backward with the fore– finger; if he should meet the character ~ , 2 he would place the middle finger of the left hand opposite the seventh stud on the second string, and give an inward motion to that string witL. the middle finger of the right hand. It is easily perceived that such complicated directions a.re difficult to lefl.rn and to remember, and that endless studies are necessary to master this instrument. At the Confucian ceremonies there are six ch'in : three on the east side of the hall, and the three others on the west. The music which they have to perform is written in the sim– plest manner, but it is permitted them to ~~bellish their part with all the difficulties which their skill will allow of. 1'' I, Formerly the seven strings were tuned ,as follows :- I 2 3 I, 4 5 6 7 C D E G A C D 1 Composed of * (index of right hand to be moved inwa,rd), l., (index to be moved outward), and ,t (seven, i .e., the seventh string). _ . . 2 Composed of r:p, -C (seven, i.e., the seve,ith stud), 'J, and - (two, '1,.C., the second strmg). '\'