CHINESE M:USIC. 53 In the. east pagoda, to which access is gained by ascending a few steps, hangs a big drum, somewhat damaged by its exposure in the open air ; and in the other pagoda on the west the large bell is suspended. No. 7.-The P o-chwng (n. ~) is a single bell suspended upon a frame, and corresponding to the t'e-ch'i ng, or " single sonorous stone." When this bell sounds, the t'l-ch'i ng must answer_ 1 I t rne of 2.2 5 feet, which irradually decreases asures 3.6 feet in length, and has a diameter v towards the top. There are 12 p o-chwng, corresponding to the r 2 lus, and intended to meet the Changes of key which occur according to the seasons. The measurements here given corresp~nd to the huang-chung or first bell. The p o-chung is p!aced outside the temple (at the Con_fuc~an c~1·ernouies), on the ~·ight side of the·" Moon Terrace." It has to give one note at the b~gmmng of~ each verse, in order to "manifest the sound "-in ther words, to give the pitch. It is struck "' 1th a Wooden hammer. I t was called siing-chung during th e rnid dle ages.
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