| 4 Fer.4 De e2.Re[p.Dom:.4 A € comm. Monicez vid. 5 Fer.s. De Euchariftia. 3 - Dom:.5.poít Paícha (com mem.Dom. 9: Fer.2.Rogar. (com: fer 12 Fer.s.Alcen. Domini, du. 1. cla .¿úumóétan. 13 Fer.6.Nérci; Ec. (heti)cd> mem.ottau; 15 Dom. infraota.de ea, (có «0: me. ÓCtau, 17 Fer.3. Translat Sc.Crelo ; pro oéta: ay Fer-5.0ftau.Alcófio. Lect, 1.Nótt: Ex fer: fequéri, E fcom.Potentianz virg. Yin Vefpe.comm. oétau,á fer.6. 21 Sabb.Vigil. Penthec.% có me.octa.$ In miísis pri- vatis tantum fit comune. de otta. -8 non amplius quía cel (ETA 22 Dom.Penthes. dup.r. cla. cum octa. 25 Fer. 4 Tempo.deoétau.: $ In laudib.comm, Vrbani mart, 2 Dom. Trinita. dop.2.claf, (com. Dom. 3o Fer.2.Translar.DAN- Fran cilci(25 lib, t: Regum, 8% commém. lic, marté Tabula trigelima.literá Doma. E: ¿mon «dicitur' Credo, IVNIvVSs. 1. Fer.4.Deca.Refp.1.Nod* Domin. 3/Ponantut fuf- fragia. 14. Fer.s.. Corp. Chrifti,dup, 1 claf. cum oétau. nil de fanGis. 5 .Dom,2.com.atta. 12: Don,3..S comm. Bañli. dis, £c. € In Velper. nil de Domin. 9 Domimn:4.de ea comm, oíta £ Geruafij, Sic. .: Fer.s.De Encharift.S có mem.Vigil. Dom. $. de ea, > oétau.Ioann. Fer:2.1oan.8 Paul. (héri) comm,oétau. 16 17 tv Lfys, 3 Dom. 6.de ea, K« comm, oétau. 7 Ferss.De Encharift. 9 Sabb.B.M: to Dom 7.poft o ca 11 Fer.2.Seprem (raffim(he- " ri)comm.Pij mart. 7 Dom. 8. comm.oétame;€ Alcxij contef. Sabb.(com. Vigil. Dom. 9. de ea, comme, Chriftine virg. r 31 Des nm 13 24
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